The Disciple's Lifestyle - Passages

Written on 09/03/2024
Gordon Decker

The following is a suggested list of passages for those who have made a personal decision to follow Jesus Christ, and who desire to develop a lifestyle of obedience to their Lord and King. These passages address some of the basic principles and practices of the Christian life. Please follow the steps outlined below to discover the truths and lifestyle principles taught in each passage.



  • What are you thankful for today?

  • How have you seen God working in your life this past week?

  • What difficulties are you experiencing in life? How may we help?

  • How did you apply last session's discovery? What happened?

  • With whom did you share last session's discovery? What was their response?



Please use the following steps to guide your discovery of God's truth in the passages below. Need to review the Group Guidelines?



Step 1- Participants take turns reading sections of the passage (clarify new words/terms)
Step 2- One person reads the entire passage out loud while the rest listen
Step 3- A participant retells the passage in his/her own words (others add their thoughts)



  • What does this passage mean?

  • What do you like/not like about this passage?

  • How does this passage change the way you see God/People?


Respond: If this is true...

  • How should it change the way you live?

  • With whom will you share today's discovery?


The Disciple's Lifestyle - Passages

God's Presence (Psalm 34:1-10Isaiah 55:1-7)

Worship (Psalm 96Psalm 95:1-7Matthew 4:8-11)

God's Word (Joshua 1:7-8Psalm 119:24-35Psalm 119:72-74Psalm 119:89-94)

Obedience (Ps 119:1-18Psalm 128:1-4John 14:23-24)

Prayer (Luke 18:1-8Matthew 6:5-13Ephesians 6:10-20)

Confession (1 John 1:5-10James 5:16)

Forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35)

Fellowship (Acts 2:41-47)

Service (Matthew 20:25-28)

Witnessing (Matthew 28:18-20Acts 1:6-8)


Not part of a group yet?

Please use the M28 Bible Discovery Response form if you are being individually mentored.